Queer Survival 101, a starter kit for the Queer survivalist. Exploring what queerness can bring to our considerations of survival in a post-apocalyptic world, this kit will help you build your survival pack and plan your strategy. Dystopic fiction strikes us because it sits next to our present, revealing a far too possible future. As queer people we are especially prepared for this future, many of us bring the embodied experience of existing on the fringes of culture, creating protective community and living fabulously on very little. This kit is a blueprint and intended to spark the imagination so that each individual can assemble a pack from tools in their environment. Much of what is included can be made from household objects or garbage. Be creative with what you have. Particularly unique to this survival kit is the emphasis on queer markings. Every survivalist group will require a system of communication unique to them, however this practice is well established in queer cultural history, best exemplified by the hanky code. Other forms of secret communication include the Gay languagePolari and the quietly readable nods and looks that queers give each other every day. Use this guide and prepare yourself!